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The Mission of Midwest Marbling is to advance the art of marbling in the Midwest and beyond through education and showing our art.

Midwest Marblers has grown out of an informal group that met every couple of months to talk about marbling. In the fall of 2022 we began to talk about becoming more than an informal group and in 2023 we formed Midwest Marbling.

Leadership of Midwest Marbling:

  • Sally Power – Chair, Sally has been marbling since 2001 and has been teaching marbling for the last 10 years. (
  • Mary Holland – Vice Chair and Membership Marbling Chair, Mary is a surface design artist who has been a marbler for 30 years.
  • Parry Cadwallader – Treasurer and Membership Chair, Parry is a marbler and marbling tool maker based in Minnesota. (
  • Chante Wolf – Secretary, I didn’t think I would like marbling but after one class I was hooked by its creative potential. The process itself erases anything else going on in my life.
  • Stacy Gabriel – Education Chair, Stacy has been integrating marbling into her book arts since 2016. She enjoys teaching kids of all ages the art of marbling and book making.
  • Michelle Blodgett – Exhibition Co-Chair, Michelle has been an Artist, Teacher, Exhibit Developer, Lifelong Learner and Passionate Marbler for over 10 years.
  • Caron Moore – Exhibition Co-Chair, Caron began her marbling journey in 2018.  Adventures in marbling continue to fascinate her.
  • Manon Seitz – Marketing & Social Chair, Manon is a crafter and designer who fell in love with marbling 5 years ago. (@manonibesdesign)