
Here are some examples of what our members have created. Perhaps it will spark your appreciation, interest, and creativity!

Barb Skoog

Parry Cadwallader

Aviva Aviel

Mark Odegard

Caron Moore

Sally Power

Celeste Brosenne

Gail Steward

Manon Seitz


“I was not drawn to marbling at first while taking classes for my Book Arts Certificate program. Reluctantly, I gave in and took a class. I was drawn to the infinite creative potential before the class was finished. I was fascinated by how the colors interacted with each other and created their own patterns. I loved the potential of creating landscapes, beyond patterns and mathematical designs.

I was hooked. Besides the finished products, the process itself erases anything else going on in my life and the world around me for 4 to 6 hours, which has turned out to be just as beneficial as any type of meditation.”     Chante Wolf

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